Tread lightly, leader

MC Dean
The Perculator
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2022


DALL-E artwork: A yogi in warrior pose , vaporwave

I had a wonderful Yoga teacher in my 20’s called Hamish Hendry (Ashtanga Yoga London)who generously gave me a few valuable lessons, but one, in particular, has stuck with me ever since.

When a new student came to the shala, Hamish would warmly welcome them, settle them in and then watch. Over time he would change just one small thing: the position of the thumb in warrior pose, a toe placement, a little finger extension…tiny little things.

As new yoga students, our warrior pose usually leaves a lot to be desired. At least 80% of the pose is probably wrong, and we don’t yet really understand what it's all about. We’re just making the shape. This is really significant because it’s where everything starts, not just in Yoga. We mimic the shape and over time, with more practice, we get the pose.

Changing just a few small, yet significant things allows a student to learn the pose. It allows a person to understand it without being overwhelmed with instruction, and without being robbed of the journey towards that understanding. When Hamish moved the thumb, it had a domino effect on the rest of the posture: the arm extends more, the chest opens slightly, the hips shift…we get to feel the microcosm of the pose unfolding.

Hamish is a genius teacher and this is a significant leadership lesson.

As product leaders, we can use a lot of this wisdom in our work. What is the most significant and subtle correction you can give your org? Your team? Your directs? Yourself?

I ask myself: how can I respect the learning journey and allow the time and patience for someone to feel their way into the problem, into their expression of the solution?

If I can do that, it’s a wonderful opportunity to support and guide the unfurling of untold potential.



MC Dean
The Perculator

Head of Product @The Mintable | Designer | Maker | Meditator